Webinars of February 2023

Hopefully you are over the January blues as February is packed with amazing free teacher webinars for you to boost your teaching for the new year.

Macmillan English is running a two-week webinar series as part of its global teachers festival. There will be two webinars each day from the 13th with a total of 20 webinars! 

The British Council has a pretty extensive series of webinars on the characteristics of effective EFL teachers. This looks like it will be a data-driven analysis so it is bound to be interesting. 

IATEFL has webinars on using stories to make your lessons more engaging for learners and a business English webinar on moving from being a language teacher to a content creator.

Cambridge language assessment is hosting a webinar on using digital content to prepare learners for B2 first so if your learners are doing or thinking of doing the exam this webinar will be very useful!

The TEFL Development Hub
2nd February
16:00 UTC+1
Teaching listening skills
Fatime Losonci
British Council
4th February
13:00 UTC+1
The Characteristics Of Effective EFL Teachers, part 1
Emad Abdelhamed
Join us on Saturday 4 February for the first of a two-part webinar with Emad Abdelhamed looking at the characteristics of effective EFL teachers.
4th February
16:00 UTC+1
Word (hi)stories: Making lessons memorable and engaging
Jennifer Lowe
Students are often discouraged by the apparent inconsistencies of the English language: i.e. Why does English have silent letters? Why is the first person subject pronoun “I” always capitalised? However, many of such “inconsistencies” in spelling, vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and intonation, can be explained by dipping into the history of English and looking at some of the mechanisms that shaped the language. Understanding that there are logical, historical reasons behind many puzzling aspects of the English language acts as a real eye-opener, triggers students’ curiosity, boosts their motivation to learn and will definitely make your courses memorable, as students always find these explanations illuminating. This does not mean that you need to become an expert in the history of English; you can simply tell a few stories lying behind specific words, specific grammatical constructions and pronunciations to achieve the eye-opening effect in your students. They will develop an appetite for knowing more and more and will be happier to accept the peculiarities of the English language that we love (or hate) so much!
5th February
16:00 UTC+1
From Language Teacher To Content Creator: A Personal Journey
Pete Sharma
Many business English teachers create their own language teaching content. Such material may be designed for different contexts, including: in-company, pre-experience, one-to-one and online. Which skills and what kind of knowledge base do content creators need in this post-pandemic era? This webinar aims to answer these questions. In it, Pete traces his own development as a content creator. The webinar starts with a series of reflections on the nature of business English materials. Part one mentions the inspirations and experiences which moulded his core beliefs. Part two takes a chronological approach, starting with the presenter’s first ‘accidental’ move into writing, and describing various key projects. These include: an apprenticeship writing a weekly e-lesson; co-authoring a resource book for socializing; writing for digital media and creating innovative ‘Learning journeys’ for a post-pandemic world. Part three distils this experience into a number of tips and advice on creating business English teaching content, with a particular focus on digital content. The webinar will be of interest to language teachers wishing to move into content creation as well as practising ELT authors.
Cambridge Language Assessment
6th February
12:00 UTC+1
Using bite-sized digital content to prepare our students for their B2 First (for Schools) exam
Jiri Horak
Are you preparing learners for their B2 First (for Schools) exam? Are you looking for a way to include digital tools more effectively in your classroom and keep you students motivated? Then join our webinar to learn about: the importance of encouraging students to build healthy and effective learning habits why using "bite-sized" content regularly with students can be an effective way of learning English and preparing for the Cambridge English exams resources with "bite-sized" digital content and why these can be useful for learners activities you as a teacher can implement in your lessons by using digital and bite-sized resources
Cambridge Language Assessment
9th February
17:00 UTC+1
Using bite-sized digital content to prepare our students for their B2 First (for Schools) exam
Jiri Horak
Are you preparing learners for their B2 First (for Schools) exam? Are you looking for a way to include digital tools more effectively in your classroom and keep you students motivated? Then join our webinar to learn about: the importance of encouraging students to build healthy and effective learning habits why using "bite-sized" content regularly with students can be an effective way of learning English and preparing for the Cambridge English exams resources with "bite-sized" digital content and why these can be useful for learners activities you as a teacher can implement in your lessons by using digital and bite-sized resources
British Council
11th February
13:00 UTC+1
The Characteristics Of Effective EFL Teachers, part 2
Emad Abdelhamed
Join us on Saturday 11 February for the second of a two-part webinar with Emad Abdelhamed looking at the characteristics of effective EFL teachers.
Macmillan English
13th February
11:00 & 15:00 & 12:30 UTC+1
Past and Future of Teaching: A Science of Learning Perspective
Andre Hedlund
Humans have been teaching and learning since the dawn of humanity. Teaching has evolved from instinct and mythology to reason and, most recently, to science. This session will analyse this evolution from a Science of Learning perspective and offer a glimpse into the future.
Macmillan English
13th February
11:50 & 15:50 & 11:20 UTC+1
What Our Brain Does When Learning, and Why it Matters
Paul Kirschner
A colleague of mine said: “Without an understanding of human cognitive architecture, instruction is blind”. This session will begin to lift the veil on how our brain works when we learn and how teachers can take advantage of this.
Macmillan English
14th February
11:50 & 15:50 & 22:30
Which English Will Give our Students the Best Mileage?
Michał B. Paradowski
Today’s learners will find themselves using English predominantly in interactions with other non-native users. We examine whether ‘Standard English’ is the optimal target of instruction, discussing implications for language pedagogy, and conclude with a practical example of selection and gradation of language content for international communication. You will also have the chance to see a showcase of our course for adults, Speak Your Mind.
Trinity College London
15th February
11:00 & 15:00 & 10:30 UTC+1
Mastering the Five Competencies of Social Emotional Learning
Lorena Peimbert
Nowadays, everybody is talking about the importance of developing Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in the classroom to help students learn better. But how? In this webinar you will learn about what SEL is, what the five SEL competencies are, and also practical tips and activities to develop each one of them. Don't miss it!
Macmillan English
15th February
11:50 & 15:50 & 23:20 UTC+1
Stress-busting Meditations for Busy Teachers
Emma Reynolds
In this practical session, Mindfulness expert Emma Reynolds will take you through some easy meditations that you can bring into your busy day to help lower stress and anxiety, and bring more balance to your life. You will also have the chance to see a showcase of our course for young learners, Learning Well.
Macmillan English
16th February
11:00 & 15:00 & 22:30 UTC+1
Promoting Positive Washback
Ethan Mansur
Washback refers to the effects that language tests have on language teaching and learning. This practical talk will provide you with various activities and strategies for ensuring that exams exert a positive, rather than negative, influence on your adult and secondary courses.
Macmillan English
16th February
11:50 & 14:50 & 23:20 UTC+1
Finding Lifelines of Reflection in Shakespeare
Ben and David Crystal
People know the famous bits, such as 'To be or not to be', but the lesser-known bits offer innumerable thoughts that can help personal development and stimulate classroom discussion. Pandemics? The weather? Diversity? Equality? He was there first. We present a selection. You will also have the chance to see a showcase of our exam course, Ready for.
EF Education First
16th February
17:00 UTC+1
Speak out
Make sure you don’t miss this interactive webinar looking at ways to inspire our students to speak out in the classroom and beyond.
Macmillan English
17th February
11:00 & 14:00 & 22:30 UTC+1
Opening Teenagers’ Hearts and Minds to the World
Dave Spencer
In this webinar we will examine different ways in which real-world texts and videos can be used to raise teenage students’ awareness and appreciation of the richness of the world. By doing this, we can provide our students with valuable cultural information to navigate the world whilst also developing empathy.
Macmillan English
17th February
11:50 & 15:50 & 23:20 UTC+1
Using Images to Explore Culture
Jade Blue
As well as making learning more engaging and memorable, images can provide a rich stimulus for exploring and understanding the world. This session will explore how we can make the most of images to explore different cultures and develop cross-cultural understanding in the teenage classroom. You will also have the chance to see a showcase of our course of teenagers, Gateway to the World.
Macmillan English
20th February
11:00 & 15:00 & 22:30 UTC+1
Motivation Begins with How We Feel
Chaz Pugliese
If we want our students to stay motivated, we need to make sure they’re in an environment that is psychologically safe. In this session we will see why getting the students to pay attention to their emotional state can help them sustain their motivation.
Macmillan English
20th February
11:50 & 15:50 & 23:20 UTC+1
The Passage to Adulthood
Prof. Alicja Gałązka
In this webinar you will learn how to support and assist teenagers in the difficult time of transitioning to adulthood. With so much rapid-fire change in the world, the teacher’s job of preparing young people for the future has become increasingly daunting and demanding . In the session we will discuss how to build meaningful connections with your students, support their autonomy and explore how to develop a deeper understanding of themselves. You will also have the chance to see a showcase of our course of teenagers, Get Involved.
Macmillan English
21st February
11:00 & 15:00 & 22:30 UTC+1
Overcoming Learner Fatigue through Creativity
Nik Peachey
Many intermediate learners reach a wall in their language development. As a remedy to this I propose to share a number of creative thinking exercises and activities that can be applied to course books and used in the classroom.
Macmillan English
21st February
11:50 & 15:50 & 23:20
Reflections on Leading a Global Network of Language Schools in Uncertain Times
Lucy Horsefield
Volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous – a description that many language schools’ owners and managers may relate to when reflecting on their experience of running a language school in recent years. In this session, I will share some approaches learned through the experience of navigating this challenging period and more recently through my studies in Organisational Psychology. I will also discuss recent shifts in English language learning and the implications for language schools. You will also have the chance to see a showcase of our course of adults, Language Hub.
Cambridge Language Assessment
21st February
12:00 UTC+1
Why teach life competencies? Classroom activities for Pre A1 Starters, A1 Movers & A2 Flyers
Alex Purcell
Why teach life competencies? Our world is changing fast and we need to prepare our students with the skills and experiences that go beyond learning an additional language. We will show you how to incorporate life competencies into your young learner exam preparation classes using ideas from the Cambridge Life Competencies. Our free activity cards support teachers with activities for you to try with your learners, which you can glance at before a lesson or keep nearby for those all-important planning days. This webinar is aimed at teachers who teach Pre A1 Starters, A1 Movers and A2 Flyers. You might be a new teacher, or an experienced teacher who is new to exam preparation, who is interested in the topic.
21st February
17:00 UTC+1
Feedback and self-assessment in foreign language teaching
Toni Mäkipää
Feedback and self-assessment are instrumental practices of formative assessment. Several studies and meta-analyses (e.g., Hattie, 2009; Hattie & Timperley, 2007; Nicol & Macfarlane-Dick, 2006) have emphasised their significance in enhancing learning and self-regulated learning. From the Finnish perspective, feedback and self-assessment are essential, as the core curricula for basic and upper secondary education underscore that all teachers are required to use these practices systematically. In addition, diverse assessment practices are of paramount importance in language teaching. By combining feedback and self-assessment with exams and other types of summative assessment, language teachers can enhance students’ learning in multifaceted ways. In this presentation, I will provide guidelines for using feedback and self-assessment efficiently in language teaching. Moreover, I will discuss Finnish research regarding these practices and what it recommends. I will also point out how feedback and self-assessment practices could be developed.
Macmillan English
22nd February
11:00 & 15:00 & 22:30 UTC+1
Every Child Matters
Myriam Monterubbio
An inclusive classroom is not a “special” classroom. Inclusion is a philosophy and a practice where you can teach children with different learning styles or different abilities. It is that place where everybody is accepted, included and is valued and treated with respect. This session will show you how to create that very classroom.
Macmillan English
22nd February
11:50 & 15:50 & 23:20 UTC+1
Children's writing: Pictures, words, sentences and beyond!
Lucy Crichton
In this webinar you will learn how to strenghten your primary student’s writing skills, getting them excited and motivated to experiment creatively with content and structure. When we lower anxiety levels and personalise writing tasks, we empower children to really make their mark! You will also have the chance to see a showcase of our courses for young learners: Doodle Town 2nd edition and Global Stage.
Trinity College London
22nd February
17:00 UTC+1
Using songs to build awareness of global citizenship issues
Chris Walklett
This webinar will explore how songs focusing on global citizenship issues (including social, political, environmental & economic concerns) can be employed in the ELT classroom in order to build students awareness of what is occurring in the world around them.
Macmillan English
23rd February
11:00 & 15:00 & 22:30 UTC+1
Befriending Distractions in the Young Learner Classroom
Sarah Hillyard
Do you find your learners get distracted easily? No classroom is immune to distractions, with so much stimuli besides the teacher competing for the students’ attention. In this session, we will explore effective ways to reduce distractions, battle them and get students back on task. Or, when distractions occur, should we make friends with the situation and turn it into a teachable moment?
Macmillan English
23rd February
11:50 & 15:50 & 23:20 UTC+1
What Makes Young People Tick These Days?
Susan Hillyard
In this webinar you will learn what makes post-covid young learners tick and will experience a set of practical, multisensory activities that you can use immediately in the classroom to get them hooked on learning. You will also have the chance to see a showcase of our course of young learners, Share it!.
National Geographic Learning
23rd February
15:00 UTC+1
Social Emotional Learning: Fostering Connections for Success in the English Language Classroom and Beyond
Katherine Stannet & Mary Whittemore & Lilly Sevilla
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) has become an increasingly popular term for educators and students alike. But what does it mean, why is it important, and how do you incorporate it into your classes? Join us in a session that will answer these questions and others. The session will explore insights from an ELT Author and Materials Developer, a National Geographic Learning Editor, and an Academic Director.
EF Education First
23rd February
17:00 UTC+1
Effective error correction
Come to our interactive webinar and brush up your techniques for correction in your language classroom.
February 2023

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